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The Mount Kenya Region: United Against Collective Challenges



In the midst of political turmoil and economic struggles, the Mount Kenya region stands united. Contrary to the narrative that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is seeking to unite a divided Mount Kenya, the people of this region assert that they are not divided. They are not fighting amongst themselves but are united against the collective challenges they face.

These challenges are not political but economic and financial. The youth of Mount Kenya are struggling to make ends meet in a system that has failed them. They grapple with inflated electricity bills, increasing rents, and a lack of opportunities. The older generation, misled by the media and corrupt clergy, has made poor electoral choices that have exacerbated these issues.

The youth are now having conversations away from the toxicity of politics. They are united against the collective failures of the older generation. They are united in their struggle to secure mortgages, pay rents, and navigate a system that seems stacked against them, says Francis Gaitho a popular government critic.

The political noise on social media does not reflect their concerns. The conflicts between politicians do not keep them awake at night. Instead, they are focused on their economic struggles and financial survival.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s recent comments advising Mount Kenya people to have six children have been met with criticism. The youth argue that such statements do not address their real issues. They point out that it is the same generation of politicians who have been behind the continued deprivation of opportunities for the youth of Mount Kenya.

The youth of Mount Kenya are united now more than ever. They stand together against the collective challenges they face and strive for a better future.

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“Jerimiah Kioni Initiative ‘Operation Rudi Nyumbani’ Offers a Second Chance to Jubelee Party Members Who Left”



Jeremiah Kioni, the Secretary-General of the Jubilee Party, recently launched an initiative called ‘Operation Rudi Nyumbani’ for Mt. Kenya residents who supported President William Ruto.
The initiative aims to accommodate those who defied former President Uhuru Kenyatta to support Ruto and are now regretting their choice. Kioni emphasized that the Jubilee Party is open to welcoming back its members who left and plans to start a recruitment drive in December.
Kioni’s initiative has been met with mixed reactions from political analysts and the public alike. While some have praised the move as a step towards unity and reconciliation within the Jubilee Party, others have criticized it as a desperate attempt to win back supporters ahead of the 2027 general elections. The initiative also raises questions about the party’s leadership and its ability to retain members in the face of political uncertainty and shifting alliances.

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Deputy President Gachagua Faces Growing Dissent Within UDA Party.



Deputy President Gachagua’s leadership within the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party seems to be under siege, as junior officials within his party openly contradict his statements. Recently, Kimani Gunjiri, the nominated land’s chief administration secretary, reminded Gachagua that President Ruto had earned the Mount Kenya votes himself.

The growing dissent within the UDA party indicates a significant challenge to Gachagua’s authority and raises questions about the unity within the party. Gunjiri’s comments highlight a division within the ranks, which could potentially have far-reaching consequences for the party’s future.

President Ruto, the leader of the UDA party, has been actively working to gain support from the Mount Kenya region, a crucial voting bloc in Kenyan politics. However, with Gunjiri’s statement, it appears that Gachagua’s ability to mobilize voters from this region might face challenges.

The contradictory statements from within the UDA party could suggest differing views and strategies within the party’s ranks. It could also indicate a lack of a unified message and internal coordination, which might hamper the party’s chances in upcoming elections.

As the Deputy President, Gachagua must address these internal divisions and work towards strengthening party unity. Without a coordinated and coherent message, the UDA party’s reputation and ability to attract voters may suffer.

In the coming weeks, it will be crucial for Gachagua and other party leaders to engage in open dialogue and seek common ground. The party’s success will heavily rely on their ability to resolve internal conflicts and present a united front to the public.

The ongoing turmoil within the UDA party also offers an opportunity for other political parties to capitalize on the situation. Opposition parties may see this division as an opening to challenge the UDA party’s dominance and gain support from disenchanted members.

In conclusion, Deputy President Gachagua finds himself facing growing dissent within his own UDA party. The contradictory statements from junior officials, such as Kimani Gunjiri, indicate a lack of unity and potentially significant challenges for the party’s future. Gachagua and other party leaders will need to address these internal divisions and work towards presenting a united front if the UDA party wants to maintain its support and prospects for success in upcoming elections.

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President Ruto Tours in Nyanza




President William Ruto embarked on a four-day tour of the Nyanza region on Friday, October 6. The tour encompassed Kisumu, Homa Bay, Siaya, and Migori counties.

Aims of the Tour
The tour aimed to launch projects to enhance the residents’ quality of life, aligning with the government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). The BETA agenda prioritizes areas such as bringing down the cost of living, eradicating hunger and job creation, expanding the tax base, improving foreign exchange balance, and promoting inclusive growth through interventions in five core sectors.

Projects Launched
In Kisumu, Ruto launched the groundbreaking of the Kabonyo Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Center of Excellence in Nyando. The project is worth Sh1 billion and is aimed at enhancing food security, innovation, and employment in Fisheries and Aquaculture. He also commissioned the Lake Basin Mall, a significant retail and entertainment hub. The President also launched the Koru-Bible College Road to improve connectivity, and he launched the MV Uhuru 2, a ship that will operate on Lake Victoria.

In Siaya County, the President launched the upgrading to the Bitumen standard of the 27km Bondo- Uyawi-Kibanga-Liunda Road. He also launched a digital laboratory at Mutumbu Technical Training Institute and oversaw the launch of the construction of a Level 4 hospital in the Ugenya constituency.

While in Homa Bay County, the President spearheaded the launch of the construction of the 53 km Mfangano Island Ring Road and the upgrading to the Bitumen standard of the 74km Mbita- Sindo-Kiabuya-Sori Road. He also visited Victory Fish Farms in Sindo and launched the rehabilitation of the Homa Bay Pier and other piers.

Engaging with Locals
During his tour, President Ruto engaged with residents of the region, met farmers, interacted with local leaders, and chaired a cabinet meeting at the Kisumu State Lodge in Kisumu County.

Public Reaction
The tour was well received by locals who turned out in large numbers to welcome President Ruto. The president’s visit was seen as a significant step towards fostering unity and development in Nyanza region. Local leaders also played a crucial role in ensuring that President Ruto’s tour went smoothly.

This tour marks a significant step in President Ruto’s efforts to connect with local communities and drive development projects that align with his government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

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